Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Azzam, Rasheed

Second Advisor

Chen, Huimin

Third Advisor

Jilkov, Vesselin


The Polarizer-Sample-Analyzer (PSA) arrangement with the optical components P and A rotating with a fixed speed ratio (3:1) was originally introduced to determine nine Mueller matrix elements from Fourier analysis of the output signal of a photodetector. The arrangement is modified to the P'PSAA' arrangement where P' and A' represent fixed polarizers that are added at both ends with the speed ratio of the rotating components (P and A) remaining the same as before. After determination of the partial Mueller matrix in the ideal case, azimuthal offsets and imperfection parameters are introduced in the straight-through configuration and the imperfection parameters are determined from the Fourier coefficients. Finally, the sample is reintroduced and the full Mueller matrix elements are calculated to show the deviation from the ideal case and their dependency on the offsets and imperfection parameters.


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