Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences

Major Professor

Clancy, Mary J.; Liu, Zhengchang

Second Advisor

Schluchter, Wendy


Genome transcription is much more widespread than has been traditionally thought because our view of a "gene" or "transcription unit" has changed dramatically over the past 4 to 5 years with the identification of many different non-coding ribonucleic acids. In the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, meiosis and sporulation are an important part of the life cycle and IME4 gene expression is required for these processes. IME4 sense transcript levels of expression are influenced by the level of its complementary non-coding antisense strand by mechanisms that are currently unknown. The a1-alpha2 heterodimer binding in the downstream 3' region of IME4 is one component required for repression of IME4 antisense transcription. However, this thesis shows that the general regulatory protein Reb1 is also required in this system. Reb1 involvement is most likely to create a nucleosome-free zone in the promoter region of the IME4 antisense strand therefore contributing to transcription.


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