Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor


Second Advisor

Jenkens, A.Lawrence

Third Advisor

Gertjejansen, Doyle


As our world ramps up the speed of its connections, our identities merge with increasing speed and angles of confluence. Not only are new identities created, but also the more fringe social and cultural elements of our world are exposed to mainstream consciousness. My work is a product of my own fringe background (namely its sheer breadth of experiences not normally visited upon a single person's life). My aim is to add variables to our social and cultural speed of combination and new variety by creating work that is derived from my own experiences to speak to those who are of the newer combinations and newer social recognition. I am motivated to create this work both to perpetually define and redefine myself, and also to give ground to an ‘identity of no identity' on a global scale, to our artistic dialogue and catalog.


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