Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Rastgoufard, Parviz; Kura, Bhaskar

Second Advisor

Leevongwat, Ittiphong


The document reviews the current and projected electricity demand until the year 2030 along with the fuel mix. Several projections based on different agencies were studied in order to understand the trend of fuel mix projected to be used. Clearly, the fuel mix being used or projected is unsustainable. Depletion of fossil fuels, increasing demand and environmental impacts are some of the factors that emphasize the use of Alternative Sources of Electricity. Three of the upcoming Alternative Sources - Solar, Wind and Landfill Gases - are discussed and compared in the document. Based on the comparison, Landfill Gas projects seem to be very favorable, despite the higher costs related with such projects, several advantages over the other two Alternative Sources are discussed in the document. The several advantages of Landfill Gas projects, such as emissions reduction, better power quality, reduction in transmission losses, and several others are discussed in the document


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