Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Bourgeois, Edit

Second Advisor

Charalampidis, Dimitrios

Third Advisor

Jilkov, Vesselin


Chirp-Slope Keying (CSK) is a new and innovative digital modulation scheme for underwater data transmission. The underwater environment brings up several challenges to the manufacturing and operation of communication systems. This thesis shows through analysis and simulations the effectiveness of Chirp-Slope Keying (CSK) in providing a satisfying performance in underwater communication. The experiment consists of modulating a chirp slope by binary numbers (representing our data). '0' is represented by a linear- down chirp and '1' is represented by a linear-up chirp. The received data is first processed by a correlator receiver. Then, the detection of either binary symbol is obtained by the comparison to a threshold. Simulation results for numerous signal-to-noise ratios show that CSK provides satisfying performance for underwater data transmission. The Mississippi gulf coast shallow water Data collected from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), (see appendix), allow us to accurately generate a laboratory model for the channel of interest.


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