Date of Award

Fall 2011

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban and Regional Planning

Major Professor

John Renne

Second Advisor

Pat Haughey

Third Advisor

Kurt Weigle


Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) in downtown areas is a distinct form of new development, creating walkable districts and 24-hour neighborhoods. A new streetcar on Loyola Avenue in the New Orleans Central Business District was planned to encourage new development in the area. By analyzing the current land uses and values, projections of future change predict over $500 million in added value. For this development to become a successful TOD, policies must encourage uses that generate ridership and increase walkability. Although the Loyola corridor has many historic attributes of a transit-oriented downtown, it currently lacks neighborhood identity. The new development associated with the Loyola streetcar has the potential to become a downtown TOD.


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