Date of Award

Spring 5-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Applied Physics



Major Professor

Leszek Malkinski

Second Advisor

Kevin Stokes

Third Advisor

Lenoard Spinu


The goal of this thesis is to design, build and test a new measurement system for comprehensive studies of the magnetoelectric and the converse magnetoelectric effect. The research on multiferroic composites is an emerging field of research and there is no commercially available equipment. The method proposed here for testing magnetoelectric properties of the multiferroics is relatively inexpensive and versatile. The advantage of the new method described below is that the same set of instruments in different configurations enables multiple measurements of various parameters characterizing multiferroic composites.

The system was tested using two samples Fe78Si10B12/AIN and Fe78Si10B12/PZT consisting of ferromagnetic and magnetostrictive ribbon of metallic glass glued to piezoelectric AlN or PZT. The final result was a working system that enables selective measurements of different responses of the multiferroic composites to the static and dynamic electric and magnetic fields. This demonstrates the versatility of the system.

Magnetoelectrical effect, Piezoelectric, Piezomagnetic, magneticmechanical, electromechanical, magnetoelectrical measurement


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Included in

Physics Commons
