Date of Award

Summer 8-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban and Regional Planning


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Marla Nelson

Second Advisor

Renia Ehrenfreucht

Third Advisor

Van Temple


As the community land trust (CLT) movement in the United States approaches its 50th anniversary, CLT members, practitioners and researchers are exploring and pushing the boundaries of the model. CLTs offer an alternative model of land use tenure that permanently removes properties from the speculative market for the ongoing common good of the community. Most frequently associated with the provision of affordable housing in strong real estate markets, several CLTs across the country are now expanding into the commercial realm. This thesis compares the incipient commercial development efforts underway in St. Paul, Minnesota and New Orleans, Louisiana in order to better understand the potential role of CLTs in helping communities preserve and create commercial assets under a wide range of market forces.


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