Date of Award

Fall 12-2012

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Financial Economics


Economics and Finance

Major Professor

Wei, Peihwang

Second Advisor

Krishnaswami, Sudha

Third Advisor

Naka, Atsuyuki

Fourth Advisor

Wang, Wei

Fifth Advisor

Whitney, Gerald


This dissertation consists of two essays: one looks at the time-varying relationship between earnings and price momentum, and the other looks at how liquidity and transparency affect the pricing differential between Chinese A-and Hong Kong H-share.

The first essay presented in Chapter I investigates the time varying relationship between earnings momentum and price momentum. Using a Markov-switching framework, allowing for variation between high volatility and low volatility states, I find that price momentum is significantly more influenced by earnings momentum in the high volatility state. Further for price momentum I find that loser firms display a higher degree of differential response to earnings momentum across the low and high volatility states than winner firms. Limited financing and investor’s sensitivity to future investment opportunities might explain these two results. A further analysis indeed indicates that loser firms tend to be more financially constrained. Additionally, I investigate the relationship between investor sentiment and the two momentums and find that sentiment only has predictive power for price momentum profits in the low volatility state. Finally, the results are robust regardless of instrument variables.

The second essay presented in Chapter 2 examines the impact of liquidity and transparency on the discount attached to H-shares from 2003 to 2011. The higher the relative illiquidity of an H-share, the more the H-share is discounted relative to the underlying A-share price. In addition, more actively traded A-shares and infrequently traded H-shares are associated with a higher H-share discount. Further, increases in the number of analysts following a firm, both in the A-and H- market, are accompanied by a lower H-share discount. Also, a firm with a higher percentage of A-share holdings by mutual funds is associated with a smaller H-share discount. Overall, the results provide support for the notion that liquidity and transparency affect the relative pricing of A- and H-shares.


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