Date of Award

Spring 5-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Rule, Dan

Second Advisor

McNamee, Aaron

Third Advisor

Reynolds, Rebecca


Interested in the serendipitous encounters found in day to day experiences, I aim to complicate the framework that we are born into through the cross pollination of commodity trends, present tense and personal narrative. While these “mash-ups” dwell in the intersections between the real, the fictive and the fantastical, they attempt to put mystery back into the things that we are familiar with. My interest in language as a constructive and deconstructive tool opens spaces where the interloping of texts and objects confuse semantic routine. My sculptures operate within systems constructed through free association, absurdity, and humor: spaces where art and life become one seamless material, not tied to the predictable and the known but to new futures.


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