Date of Award

Fall 12-2015

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

David Hoover

Second Advisor

Debra C. Daniel

Third Advisor

Kevin Griffith


This thesis will set out to examine the process needed in order to deliver the character of Hamlet as a fully dimensional, complex human being who transcends time periods and class distinctions to connect with any audience of any background. This text will include biographical information about the author, William Shakespeare, as well as historical information about the circumstances and atmosphere surrounding the birth of this play. It will also include information about other performances, which will serve as references for comparison in terms of character development. Included in the scored actor’s script are the Sanford Meisner Techniques of moment-to-moment analysis and actioning as it relates to Konstantin Stanislavski’s system, as well as any additional actor’s notes that may have contributed to character development.


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