Date of Award

Fall 12-2016

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Special Education


Special Education and Habilitative Services

Major Professor

Flynn, Linda

Second Advisor

Janz, Janice

Third Advisor

Reynolds, Katherine


Students identified by the special education classification Other Health Impairment (OHI) represent the third largest group of students receiving special education services in the United States. The special education services offered these students include both academic and health related supports. The delivery of these services is enhanced when a partnership exits between the primary stakeholders; the student, parents, the school personnel, and the medical personnel. The use of Family Centered Care principles in the delivery of these services supports and maintains the partnership.

Following the qualitative analysis of a series of interviews of parents whose children were classified as OHI, descriptive and inferential themes were derived from the interview data. These themes are discussed relative to the parents’ belief that the classification provided;

  1. access to appropriate special education and school-based health care allowing their children to achieve their maximum potential,

  2. parental satisfaction with the special education and school-based health care services provided, and

  3. the use of Family-Centered Care principles.

Key Words: special education, health impairment, OHI, family


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