Date of Award

Spring 5-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Biological Sciences


Biological Sciences

Major Professor

Liu, Zhengchang

Second Advisor

Clancy, Mary

Third Advisor

Atallah, Joel


Haa1 is a transcription factor that adapts Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells to weak organic acid stresses by activating the expression of various genes. How Haa1 is activated by weak acids is not clear. This study proposes that Hrr25 is an important regulator of cellular adaptation to weak acid stress by inhibiting Haa1 through phosphorylation. YRO2, one of the targets of Haa1, shows increase in expression during stationary phase. This increase is due to basal activity of Haa1 and another, unknown, transcription factor. This study proposes that Gsm1 is another transcription factor that regulates YRO2 expression in the stationary phase. Finally, the mechanism of regulation of YRO2 by Haa1 is largely unknown. This study identifies two possible Haa1-medated cis-acting elements in the YRO2 promoter.


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