Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Kura, Bhaskar

Second Advisor

McManis, Kenneth

Third Advisor

Cothren, Gianna


The basic objective of this study was to evaluate the environmental performance of two abrasives Copper Slag and Barshot in terms of productivity (in terms of area cleaned- ft2/hr), consumption and or used-abrasive generation rate (of the abrasive- ton/2000ft2; lb/ft2) and particulate emissions (mg/ft2; mg/lb; lb/lb; lb/kg; lb/ton). This would help in evaluating the clean technologies for dry abrasive blasting and would help shipyards to optimize the productivity and minimize the emissions by choosing the best combinations reported in this study to their conditions appropriately. This project is a joint effort between the Gulf Coast Region Maritime technology Center (GCRMTC) and USEPA. It was undertaken to simulate actual blasting operations conducted at shipyards under enclosed, un-controlled conditions on plates similar to steel plates commonly blasted at shipyards.


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