Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Nataraj, Mysore

Second Advisor

Barbe, Donald

Third Advisor

Boutwell, Gordon

Fourth Advisor

McManis, Kenneth


"Brownfields" are real estate property with subsurface or surface contamination. The redevelopment of Brownfields is required to clean, improve and protect the environment. Piles foundations are often used in Brownfields to support structures. Regulators are concerned about the environmental safety of pile foundations in Brownfields sites. Piling in Brownfields may lead to transport of contaminants from the contaminated region to the underground aquifers. The purpose of this investigation is to determine the potential for contaminant transport due to pile foundation in Brownfields. This investigation is an extension of previous research conducted at the University of New Orleans and ascertains the potential for contaminant transport from concrete piles of different shape, depth of penetration and method of installation. The results of large scale model tests and Finite Element studies are presented. The investigation indicates the possibility of contamination only in selected cases of piles.


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