Date of Award

Spring 5-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Uttam K. Chakravarty


Active vibration control is a widely implemented method for the helicopter vibration control. Due to the significant progress in microelectronics, this technique outperforms the traditional passive control technique due to weight penalty and lack of adaptability for the changing flight conditions. In this thesis, an optimal controller is designed to attenuate the rotor blade vibration. The mathematical model of the triply coupled vibration of the rotating cantilever beam is used to develop the state-space model of an isolated rotor blade. The required natural frequencies are determined by the modified Galerkin method and only the principal aerodynamic forces acting on the structure are considered to obtain the elements of the input matrix. A linear quadratic regulator is designed to achieve the vibration reduction at the optimum level and the controller is tuned for the hovering and forward flight with different advance ratios.


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