Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Dr. Mary Mitchell

Second Advisor

Dr. Connie Atkinson

Third Advisor

Dr. Robert Dupont


This finding aid of interviews is drawn from the Arnold R. Hirsch Collection at the Amistad Research Center. Between 1987 and 1994, historian Arnold Hirsch interviewed New Orleans’ first black mayor, Ernest Morial, and others related to that crucial era in New Orleans political history. This collection consists of 37 audiocassettes tapes that contain oral history interviews conducted by Arnold Hirsch with various New Orleanians who were active in city government and political activism. This project-based thesis covers the research and construction of the finding aid completed for this collection during an internship at the Amistad Research Center, as well as the metadata collected and created for the collection. This collection and finding aid are being housed at the Amistad Research Center.


The University of New Orleans and its agents retain the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible this dissertation or thesis in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. The author retains all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis or dissertation.
