Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Dr. Robert Dupont

Second Advisor

Dr. James Mokhiber

Third Advisor

Dr. Charles Chamberlain


The German Coast Project explores the early nineteenth century history of the Louisiana’s German Coast, spanning its formative years, the 1811 Slave Revolt, and the aftermath of the revolt, through the perspective of the Andry family. The website is powered through Omeka software, which creates a historical exhibition of compiled research. In addition, ArcGIS contributed to the website’s construction, as it allowed for the inclusion of interactive programs and maps within the website. Designed for high school students and genealogists, The German Coast Project creates new scholarship pertaining to the German Coast and the 1811 Slave Revolt, through the often-overlooked perspective of the Andry family. The primary theme of the project is to portray how Manuel Andry and his family were able to prosper financially after the 1811 Slave Revolt, even though they suffered a heavy emotional loss.


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