Date of Award

Summer 8-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Schilling, Paul

Second Advisor

Herrington, Paul

Third Advisor

Chakravarty, Uttam


Size effects play a significant role in metal processing when the specimen dimensions are reduced. In this study, influence of size effects were investigated on two problem specific processes. First, numerical simulations of a small-scale forward extrusion with varying grain size were performed for both 2D and 3D cases. Here, grains were assigned to non-homogeneous properties in a random fashion. The computational geometry was obtained from Voronoi tessellation in MATLAB, and python-scripting in ABAQUS. Then the effects of size and property non-homogeneity were investigated. Second, a numerical model was simulated to predict final form shapes, punch load requirement, and thickness distribution of hemispherical bowl-shaped forming. The die, punch and cover plate were fabricated using stereolithographic apparatus (SLA). Numerically obtained punch load requirement, thickness distribution, von-Mises contours, and equivalent plastic strain contours were compared for different thickness specimens. Finally, the models were validated by experimental results.


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