Date of Award

Summer 8-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Dr. Ryan Gray

Second Advisor

Dr. David Gladstone

Third Advisor

Dr. Andrea Mosterman


While trade relations between French colonists and indigenous peoples in New Orleans are well documented, there have been few in depth studies utilizing archaeological sites in the city to illuminate the ways in which such relations shaped the day to day lives of the peoples involved. This work has attempted to elucidate trade practices between these groups by utilizing archaeological data uncovered at 810 Royal Street during excavations from 2015 through 2018. A collection of hand-built ceramics typically associated with indigenous peoples found in French colonial contexts on the site may help explicate the nature of trade occurring within the city and the ways in which this trade was reflective of larger patterns of urban colonial adaptation and creolization. This work seeks to illuminate the motivations behind such trade and the ways in which economic motives and individual self-interests drove colonists to undermine the original French designs for the city.


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