Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

John Hazlett

Second Advisor

Reggie Poche

Third Advisor

Elizabeth Lewis

Fourth Advisor

Bruce Rutledge


This text is a series of 18 creative nonfiction essays that examine France, the author’s many experiences there, and her opinions of French culture and what sets the French apart from Americans. In a lighthearted, sarcastic tone, these first-person essays use narrative, anecdotes, and statistics to study, discuss, and, in some instances, contradict many of the stereotypes about the French. The work follows in the tradition of many other travel writers, such as Mark Twain and David Sedaris, who have used France as their primary subject. It was directly influenced by Dave Barry and his France-related columns, Adam Gopnik’s From Paris to the Moon, as well as the book layouts and visual style of Janice MacLeod’s A Paris Year. The manuscript will eventually be accompanied by photos and formatted as a book.


The University of New Orleans and its agents retain the non-exclusive license to archive and make accessible this dissertation or thesis in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or hereafter known. The author retains all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis or dissertation.

France Like Nobody's Watching, Book Format.pdf (64008 kB)
Thesis laid out in book format with photos

SNCF Lady.m4a (949 kB)
Audio file related to a certain essay

Montsouris.m4a (772 kB)
Audio file related to one essay

Ascenseur Edited.m4a (832 kB)
Audio file related to one of the essays

Available for download on Thursday, May 22, 2025

Included in

Nonfiction Commons
