Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Charles Chamberlain

Second Advisor

Robert Dupont

Third Advisor

Allan Millett


In collaboration with the Museum of Missouri Military History, an exhibition for the 203rd Coast Artillery Battalion (Anti-Aircraft) housed in the National Guard Headquarters exhibit case will be on display March 2020 through April 2020 in Jefferson City, Missouri. The exhibit will show the Missouri men deployed for military service, newspaper articles the men wrote, and objects the men brought back from the time of service. The paper is a historical narrative essay about the mobilization of the 203rd Coast Artillery Battalion (Anti-Aircraft) during World War II, and from the research, a physical exhibit and an online exhibit have been created. The goal of the project is to encourage people to remember World War II by telling the story of Missourians who went to war, and the importance of hometown identity and pride by showing how the men kept the connection to hometowns by writing to the hometown newspapers.


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