Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Millett, Allan

Second Advisor

Fitzmorris, John

Third Advisor

Landry, Marc


From 1962 until 1973 the United States Air Force (USAF) built a small but effective South Vietnamese Air Force (VNAF). VNAF grew from approximately 4,000 personnel in 1963, flying ninety-six aircraft in six squadrons, to 60,000 personnel and sixty-five squadrons with over 2,000 aircraft by 1973. There was continuous change in the type of aircraft provided to the VNAF as the USAF upgraded VNAF’s capabilities. Training VNAF personnel was a continuing problem for both pilots and support personnel because of the almost constant aircraft upgrades and increase of size of the VNAF. VNAF was growing, developing doctrine, establishing its mission requirements, training, and acquiring new aircraft types while conducting major combat operations against the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese Army. After the USAF withdrew in 1973, the VNAF was unable to maintain its aircraft readiness levels, nor coordinate with the South Vietnamese Army to stop the North Vietnamese invasion, 1974-1975.


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