Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Dr. Marc Landry

Second Advisor

Dr. Mary Mitchell

Third Advisor

Dr. James Mokhiber


The National Leprosarium in Carville, Louisiana served as a hospital and quarantine center for those diagnosed with Hansen’s disease (HD), formerly known as leprosy. From 1940 to 1946, Dr. Guy Henry Faget worked as the Medical Officer in Charge (MOC) and advanced treatment for patients by introducing sulfa drugs. Faget also wrote eleven articles in the patient-created hospital magazine known as The Star which educated readers about HD, and helped patients face the adversity of ancient social stigma that still persists. This thesis seeks to understand the secular and professional changes brought about by Dr. Faget, and his role in rehumanizing patients after they underwent medical trials and treatments in quarantine.


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