Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Cothren, Gianna

Second Advisor

Rincon, Guillermo

Third Advisor

Bastola, Satish


The EPA’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) includes the ability to model low impact development (LID) systems involving various types of green infrastructure (GI) for stormwater detention and infiltration.

The SWMM model requires hydrologic attribute inputs for individual subcatchments, including percent impervious surfaces, surface roughness, depression storage, and curve number. These SWMM attributes can be more accurately, consistently, and efficiently be defined in GIS by calculating the subcatchment area-weighted attribute values and importing them to SWMM. Thus, GIS becomes a valuable pre-processing input tool for SWMM-LID modeling.

The three objectives of this thesis are to 1) use GIS geoprocessing tools to more accurately and consistently calculate hydrologic attributes for 82 subcatchments, 2) use GIS to more efficiently enter attributes into my SWMM model, and 3) conduct a preliminary study to evaluate the effectiveness of low impact development (LID) features in a SWMM model of the University of New Orleans (UNO).


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