Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Robert C. Mahon

Second Advisor

Dr. Allison Penko

Third Advisor

Dr. Mark A. Kulp

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Madeline Foster-Martinez


In coastal environments, wave-generated oscillatory flow in the bottom boundary layer mobilizes sediment resulting in bedform generation and evolution. The presence of bedforms on the seafloor affects sediment transport, wave attenuation, and acoustic scattering. Many studies have examined the dynamics of sediment transport and the development of bedforms on the seafloor due to the interaction of waves and currents. However, these studies have relied heavily on laboratory experiments undertaken using sands with no biological influence. This research aims to understand the effects of increased cohesion within the sediment particles resulting from biological influences (e.g., extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)) on the spatial and temporal development of bedforms in oscillatory flow environments.


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Sedimentology Commons
