Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Engineering and Applied Science - Mechanical


Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

David Hui


Many offshore single-wall pipelines and structural failures have occurred in the past. As a result, lives were lost, and billions of dollars were spent. In addition, natural disasters such as earthquake fault zones can cause a large volume of soil movement. This can easily damage single-wall pipelines or piles of fixed offshore platforms in the earthquake fault zone.

Currently, the single-wall pipelines are used for the offshore and onshore oil and gas industry. This research investigated the use of double-wall composite pipe steel-polymer-steel (SPS) in place of single-wall pipe to prevent such failures. The double-wall composite pipe has a larger displacement capacity, higher load capacity, the ability to take higher pressure, more heat resistance, and more ductility than the single-wall pipe. Hence, this research studied improvement using double-wall composite pipes and the test results were compared against the single-wall pipes. At the first step of the research, portal steel tubular beams verifications and validations were performed. Then, the laterally loaded steel pipe in clay verification exercises were conducted. Thereafter, the single-wall and double-wall composite pipes were analyzed in clay and the results were compared. Strain, von Mises stresses, and ovality of the pipes were observed and compared against the industry standard. Four-point beam bending tests were also performed for the single and double-wall composite pipes. Boned and unboned behavior of steel and polymer were studied for the composite pipe. The stiffnesses of the clay were changed and the behavior of the steel pipe was investigated. The stiffnesses of the polymer were varied and the behavior of the composite pipes was observed. The annulus size of composite pipes was also varied, and the analysis results were documented. Weld was introduced in the pipe connection and the welding effect was observed. This research work finds significant improvement in the SPS double-wall composite pipe.


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