Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


School of Urban Planning and Regional Studies

Major Professor

Renne, John

Second Advisor

Haughey, Patrick

Third Advisor

Villavaso, Stephen


The contemporary urban development pattern in the United States is characterized by land consumptive nature of development, such as a sprawled development pattern. Out of concern that the social and environmental costs of this development pattern outweigh their benefits, cities, counties and states have created a wide range of policy instruments designed to manage urban growth and to protect open spaces from development. The present research deals with such strategies in three study areas namely Portland Metropolitan Area, OR; Montgomery County, MD; and Orange County, FL in order to find out if growth management strategies have been able to reduce sprawl and promote a compact form of development. Based mainly on secondary sources of information, the research evaluates the characteristics, effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses of selected growth management strategies employed in each of these areas and analyses their implications for promoting a compact form of development.


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