Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Weems, Carl

Second Advisor

Frick, Paul

Third Advisor

Marsee, Monica


The aim of this study was to examine the association between parental use of corporal punishment and anxiety in youth. Parental warmth, child's age, and child's ethnicity were examined in order to explore their effects on the association. Parents and their children (ages 6 – 17; N=153) completed the parent and child versions of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire [APQ-P (parent) and APQ-C (child)], used to measure corporal punishment and parental warmth, and other questionnaires assessing anxiety [Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scales parent (RCADS-P) and child (RCADS-C) versions; Revised Fear Survey Schedule for Children parent (FSSCR-P) and child (FSSCR-C) versions] and externalizing symptoms (used as a control variable). Corporal punishment was significantly associated with the child reports of anxiety even when controlling for externalizing symptoms, but was not associated with the parent reports of anxiety. The results also indicated that age, ethnicity, and parental warmth did not moderate the association.


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