Date of Award

Summer 8-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dimitrios Charalampidis

Second Advisor

Vesselin Jilkov

Third Advisor

Kim D. Jovanovich


Extraction of singing voice from music is one of the ongoing research topics in the field of speech recognition and audio analysis. In particular, this topic finds many applications in the music field, such as in determining music structure, lyrics recognition, and singer recognition. Although many studies have been conducted for the separation of voice from the background, there has been less study on singing voice in particular.

In this study, efforts were made to design a new methodology to improve the separation of vocal and non-vocal components in audio clips using REPET [14]. In the newly designed method, we tried to rectify the issues encountered in the REPET method, while designing an improved repeating mask which is used to extract the non-vocal component in audio. The main reason why the REPET method was preferred over previous methods for this study is its independent nature. More specifically, the majority of existing methods for the separation of singing voice from music were constructed explicitly based on one or more assumptions.


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