Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Mechanical Engineering

Major Professor

Guillot, Martin

Second Advisor

Schilling, Paul

Third Advisor

Chakravarty, Uttam

Fourth Advisor

Yu, Vincent


Structural fire protection is an integral component of shipboard fire safety. There are national and international regulations that delineate requirements for the insulation placed throughout ships. The attachments that penetrate the insulation for hanging wires and pipes can disrupt the integrity of the division, and cause a failure to adhere to the regulations. This problem will be analyzed by using a simplified lumped capacitance model and ANSYS FLUENT CFD. A standard time-temperature fire curve is applied to the fire side of the enclosure. The thermal conductivity of the insulation and steel are made to be temperature dependent. The density of the air of the non-fire side is then approximated using the Boussinesq approximation for lower temperature differences and the incompressible ideal gas law for higher temperature differences. Different attachments of varying surface areas and volumes are exposed to the standard time-temperature fire curve and their heat transfer capabilities are analyzed.


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