Date of Award

Summer 8-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Tarr, Matthew

Second Advisor

Trudell, Mark

Third Advisor

Wiley, John

Fourth Advisor

Poltavets, Viktor


This research encompasses many aspects of chemical education research including curriculum and pedagogical changes to the freshman and sophomore courses. Curriculum changes included the addition of recitations to the general chemistry and organic chemistry lectures and the creation of four new classes, CHEM 1001, 1002, 3091, and 3092. The addition of recitations was not limited to but was focused on improving DFW rates for these courses.

CHEM 3091 and 3092 are chemistry internship and undergraduate teaching assistant classes. These courses were necessary to offer outside internship opportunities and training for undergraduate teaching assistants, respectively. CHEM 1001 and 1002 are chemistry classes for nonscience majors. These courses were created to attempt to increase the number of nonscience major students choosing chemistry to complete their science requirement. CHEM 1001 and 1002 were courses not offered at any other university and required that the course materials and textbooks for these classes to be created from scratch without any foundation from other courses. An unforeseen consequence of the creation of these courses was the need to improve scientific communication between scientists and non-scientists and even scientist and scientist.

Pedagogical work included a video intensive lecture style (VILS) for disseminating the material in the newly created CHEM 1001 and 1002 courses. For general chemistry and organic chemistry lecture, the major change was the addition of required recitation sessions for these courses. Further pedagogical changes to the organic lecture included introduction of video lectures, implementation of active learning in the lecture and graded, online homework.


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