Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Charles Chamberlain

Second Advisor

Robert Dupont

Third Advisor

Allan Millett


This project provides research that details Shreveport, Louisiana’s experience during World War II. A physical exhibit at the Spring Street Museum and a digital exhibit display Shreveport’s World War II history, based on research conducted for this thesis. Based on a combination of archival collections, and Shreveport Times articles, the project tracks Shreveport communities and the contributions to war efforts from the broader community and local industry. Shreveport’s involvement in World War II began with the Louisiana Maneuvers in 1941. Support for the war continued with heavy metals manufacturing such as the production of shells at the J.B. Beaird Company and community support of war financing, among other aspects. Furthermore, Shreveport trained pilots at Centenary College and collaborated with the bomber training base at Barksdale Air Force Base in Bossier City, Louisiana. This project argues that smaller communities played essential roles in supporting the nation during the Second World War.


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