Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Stich, Bethany

Second Advisor

Tian, Guang

Third Advisor

Short, Carol

Fourth Advisor

Amdal, James


Using New Orleans as a case study, this thesis explores the conflation of vehicle probe data with various vessel datasets to characterize the interactions between container vessels and motor vehicles as it relates to interstate congestion in a port city. The case study investigates the impact of container vessel presence/size, fluctuations in container volumes, and container on barge services on roadway congestion. The exploration relies on comparing different conditions using cumulative distribution functions and the Innovative Trend Analysis. The results showed that fusing vehicle and vessel data is achievable and appropriate, but temporal and data completeness issues can effect results. The results also showed that by joining these modally disparate datasets together and analyzing them as one, additional context is added to discussions related to transportation operations and investment decision-making through either the confirmation or disproval of perceptions or expected results related to container truck traffic on an interstate.


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