Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Jeffery Rinehart

Second Advisor

Cheryl Hayes

Third Advisor

Daniel Rule


Working with found imagery and objects, I explore sculptural processes and manipulated photographic methods as a metaphor for mental and physical transformation. Creating large scale cyanotypes that are exposed on painter’s linen, I have developed a unique process for stretching and coating linen that allows me to make images that feel more like paintings than photographs. Reflecting and analyzing aspects of my adult life, I present images and objects that challenge traditional gender roles that were impressed upon me throughout my up-bringing. My process is defined by experimentation. During the exposure of the image, dramatic shifts occur that allow for both distortion and a clarity of light within the final artwork. I convey ideas of shame, fear, and isolation related to the perpetual objectification of women in our modern world. While I certainly recognize this issue of subjugating women stems from a long history and has strongly impacted many groups of women, my work is a dissection of my own personal and direct experience with this topic.


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