Date of Award

Spring 5-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Jeffrey N. Parker

Second Advisor

D'Lane Compton

Third Advisor

David Beriss


Instagram travel influencers are facilitators in the social institution of tourism that help connect potential travelers with stakeholders and destinations. The Covid-19 travel restrictions that started in March of last year have had significant impacts on tourism. Content analysis was used to assess impacts on Instagram travel influencer posts before and after the pandemic travel shutdowns. The analysis answered: 1. Has Covid-19 impacted Instagram travel influencer posts? 2. Is resilience showing in the frequency of posts by reaching pre-pandemic levels? Ten codes were analyzed individually across posts and categorized as: sponsored posts, pandemic-related posts, and current travel trends. Results showed decreases sponsored posts and current travel trends since the shutdowns that have increased but not at the levels seen prior to the pandemic. Resilience is not supported currently because frequencies are not back to pre-pandemic levels. Pandemic-related posts increased and remain steady indicating the change in travel discourse surrounding Covid-19.


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