
Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

David W. Hoover

Second Advisor

Wendy A. Young

Third Advisor

Amy Pfrimmer


This study investigates the influence of specific frameworks in performance and vocal pedagogy on artists' capacity to enact evidence-based learning outcomes, with emphasis on vocal physiology and educator-performer relationships. Employing an experimental design, five philosophies that support capacity-building were tested across two trial settings, varying in intensity. The participant utilized narrative reasoning, diversified methods, and mentorship from specialized educators to apply frameworks. Findings indicate that, in practicing evidence-based learning and maximizing anatomic foundations of the voice, substantial developments in artistic capacity ensued. Educator-performer relationships mediate this process through reciprocal collaborations that foster capacity-building. Performers display optimal artistic capacity by effectively employing techniques facilitated by the educator, thereby signaling pedagogical success. This research informs artistic enrichment by highlighting the areas of crossover between pedagogy, physiology, and performance. Understanding these intersections enables the artist to practice innovation and lifelong learning within their creative approach and, consequently, operate at their highest capacity level.


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Available for download on Saturday, May 17, 2025
