Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

James Mokhiber

Second Advisor

Gunter Bischof

Third Advisor

Andrea Mosterman

Fourth Advisor

Christine Day


This thesis examines the spaces created by the pioneers of the Syrian women’s movement in 1910-1920, Mary Ajami and Nazik al-‘Abed, using spatial analysis and analyzing the discursive space they created in their magazines. Throughout the brief independence during Prince Faysal’s rule in 1918-1920, Ajami and al-‘Abed mobilized to allow women to enter male-dominated spaces and discourses. They utilized their pioneering magazines, al-Arus and Nur al-Fayha,’ to reach women in public and private spaces. The Women’s Literary Forum was established to foster women’s self-representation and education. At the same time, the School for the Daughters of the Martyrs and Nur al-Fayha’ Society aimed to create an uncontested presence for women in national affairs. This paper aims to show that Ajami and al-‘Abed adopted a creative framework to help women gain their rights by linking the idea of women’s liberation with Syria’s independence.


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Available for download on Tuesday, May 08, 2029
