Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Seyyed Navid Salehy


This thesis presents a time-changed geometric Brownian price model with the univariate Hawkes processes to trace the price changes in a limit order book. Limit order books are the core mechanism for trading in modern financial markets, continuously collecting outstanding buy and sell orders from market participants. The arrival of orders causes fluctuations in prices over time. A Hawkes process is a type of point process that exhibits self-exciting behavior, where the occurrence of one event increases the probability of other events happening in the near future. This makes Hawkes processes well-suited for capturing the clustered arrival patterns of orders that drive price movements. The fitted intensity function reveals insights into the dynamics of price fluctuations arising from the interactions of order flow and provides critical information to predict the new best prices in the near future.


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