Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Electrical Engineering


Electrical Engineering

Major Professor

Dr. Parviz Rastgoufard

Second Advisor

Dr. Ebrahim Amiri

Third Advisor

Dr. Abdul Alsamman

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Dimitrios Charalamidis


This paper discusses protection challenges posed by the integration of inverter-based resources (IBR), such as large solar farms, into transmission systems due to varying, nonstandard control strategies and fault responses. In particular, this paper investigate the effects of IBR interconnection on distance protection using memory voltage polarization (relay 21). A time-domain electromagnetic transient program (EMTP) is used to perform simulations for analysis. The photovoltaic (PV) park available in the EMTP library is used as the IBR model and is converted into a white-box model in accordance with the latest industry standard, IEEE 2800-2022. The simulations are also experimentally validated to ensure that the simulation models accurately represent the behavior of the protection system under real-world conditions and to verify if the traditional relay settings are sufficient to protect the transmission line due to the low short-circuit current from the IBRs.


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Available for download on Friday, April 02, 2027
