Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Counselor Education



Major Professor

Dr. Christopher T. Belser

Second Advisor

Dr. Anabel Mifsud

Third Advisor

Dr. Michele Wade

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Zarus Watson


Professional counseling, as represented by associations responsible for setting standards and best practices in the profession, indicates that school counselors need to be prepared to engage in practices that result in systems-wide change. According to the Association for Counselor Education and Supervision [ACES] (2023), these practices include systems-based practices, multicultural competence, and consultation. However, research reveals that school counselors are not being prepared to utilize multicultural consultation (Chowela et al., 2020), defined as a systems-based practice (Hoffman et al., 2006) in this study. The Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (2023) suggests that counseling graduate programs’ systems-based practice pedagogy be based on recommendations made by professional counseling associations. However, this requirement may result in variable systems-based practice pedagogy across school counseling programs and inconsistencies regarding the way school counselors utilize systems-based practices across schools. Therefore, in this study the researcher sought to better understand how membership to professional counseling associations, including the American Counseling Association, Association for Counselor Education and Supervision, and the American School Counselor Association impacts school counseling graduate programs’ consultation and multicultural education pedagogy and school counselors’ self-reported multicultural counseling competencies and consultation practices. A correlational research design was utilized, including three research questions, and a 64-item survey that contained a measure of school counselor self-reported multicultural counseling competencies (i.e., interval scale), SCC (i.e., ordinal scale), and demographic items.


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