Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Creative Writing



Major Professor

Justin Maxwell

Second Advisor

David Hoover

Third Advisor

Katie Garagiola


Malone is a law-school dropout looking for love in all the wrong places in 1970s New York. But when you’re gay, sometimes the “wrong places” are the only places where love is allowed to blossom. In this queer kaleidoscope of disco havens, subway stations, and cruisy parks on the Lower East Side, one man’s journey in romance is emblematic of the gay coming-of-age experience. The other major player in Dancer is Sutherland, a drug dealer and socialite who dresses in elaborate costumes and flies off to South America to gamble. Malone and Sutherland’s friendship thrives under the artificial light of the mirror ball and the blare of Patti Jo over the Twelfth Floor’s speakers. Can their love of light and beauty feed Malone’s soul? Are features and surfaces enough? Or is he destined to feel alone forever despite his repeated collisions with love, sex, violence, and the Dance?


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Available for download on Monday, April 16, 2029
