Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Hospitality & Tourism Management


School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Major Professor

Erdem, Mehmet; Bordelon, Bridget

Second Advisor

Chacko, Harsha


The Internet is playing an increasingly crucial role in destination marketing and it is used as a major marketing tool among National Tourism Organizations (NTOs). Website design is influential for consumers' Website preference and destination selection. This study is to understand the application of image-based technology by the major National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) through the collection and comparison of static images and dynamic images presented in their official tourism Websites. Data collected from the sampling of the world's top 25 tourism destination nations reveals that all National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) use either static images or dynamic images for their Websites, but the use of static images are far more popular than that of dynamic images.


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