Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Deng, Jing

Second Advisor

Roussev, Vassil

Third Advisor

Chen, Yixin


The Hot Spot effect is an issue that reduces the network lifetime considerably. The network on the field forms a tree structure in which the sink represents the root and the furthest nodes in the perimeter represent the leaves. Each node collects information from the environment and transmits data packets to a "reachable" node towards the sink in a multi-hop fashion. The closest nodes to the sink not only transmit their own packets but also the packets that they receive from "lower" nodes and therefore exhaust their energy reserves and die faster than the rest of the network sensors. We propose a technique to allow the data sink to identify nodes severely suffering from the Hot Spot effect and to move beyond these nodes. We will explore the best trajectory that the data sink should follow. Performance results are presented to support our claim of superiority for our scheme.


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