Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Chaudhry, Nauman

Second Advisor

Abdelguerfi, Mahdi

Third Advisor

Richard, Golden


Expressions are used in a range of applications like Publish/Subscribe, Ecommerce, etc. Integrating support for expressions in a database management system (DBMS) provides an efficient and scalable platform for applications that use Expressions. Support from uncertain data and expressions can be beneficial but not currently provided for. In this thesis, we investigate how expressions with uncertainty can be integrated in a DBMS like other data. We describe the underlying theory and implementation of UNXS (UNcertain eXpression System), a system that we have developed to handle uncertainty in expressions and data. We develop a theoretical model to compare and contrast different previous work in supporting uncertainty in DBMS and Publish/Subscribe systems. We extend the existing approaches to propose new techniques for matching uncertain expressions to uncertain data in UNXS. We then describe an implementation that integrates this support in Postgresql DBMS, which to our knowledge is the first such implementation.


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