Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Richard, Golden

Second Advisor

Depano, Adlai

Third Advisor

Roussev, Vassil


When computer forensics investigation is carried out on single workstations and the forensics image in hand is of terabytes of length, indexing of keywords takes a heavy toll. With the manifold increase of forensics data, there is an urgent need to develop a distributed digital forensics toolkit associated with sophisticated indexing and searching capabilities which utilizes multiple idle computers to index forensics images. This toolkit will deliver fast paced search performance running indexing of large forensics data and will produce smaller indexing time and faster search speeds as compared to non indexed searches on standalone workstations. The distributed resources of available computers thus make an ideal platform for virtual supercomputing performing indexing and searching on available machines.


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