Document Type

Master's Report

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Arts Administration




In the Arts Administration Program each student must complete his/her degree by submitting a thorough report based on his/her required internship. This report is very significant because it demonstrates a mature grasp of Arts Administration crucial issues, a sound knowledge of basic management and marketing concepts, and the ability to function constructively and creatively in the arts field or a nonprofit organization. This particular Arts Administration report is the result of the research and experience of Jewdeia Williams at the Nevada Arts Council located in Las Vegas and Carson City, Nevada in the Summer and Fall of 1998. It is a brief overview of the Nevada Arts Council's history, mission, and goals to give a better sense of the organization's purpose. The Nevada Arts Council's programs, services and its mission are summarized. The summary focuses on the program and services goals for FY 98-FY 00. A description of the internship, which concentrates on the duties and tasks while at the Nevada Arts Council's Las Vegas office, is given. An in-depth description of the Community Arts Development Program is explained from the onset of the program through the completion of the internship. Recommendations for changes within the organization are provided in order to show how Nevada Arts Council can improve. Finally, the intern's short and long term contributions are explained in order to show how Arts Administration students can have a positive effect on any organization.
