Date of Award


Thesis Date


Degree Type

Honors Thesis-Unrestricted

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Degree Program



Kenneth Holladay


In 2012, Wormald R. & Guimond C. developed a mathematical model utilizing integer linear programming and network flow to help Worchester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) create a more efficient course schedule. Course scheduling was a major problem at WPI in 2012, as the manual process at that time often resulted in courses being assigned to inappropriate (too large or too small) classrooms. The University of New Orleans (UNO) is facing a similar challenge, as the current scheduling system at UNO does not always produce efficient course schedules. The goal of this thesis, therefore, is to improve upon the 2012 model by WPI, from that developing a more efficient course schedule at UNO Department of Economics and Finance. This can serve as a starting point for future research on finding an optimal schedule at UNO, given the restrictions and preferences on room assignments.


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