Submissions from 2012
Analytic and finite element solutions of the power-law Euler-Bernoulli beams, Dongming Wei and Yu Liu
An H1 Model for Inextensible Strings, Stephen C. Preston and Ralph Saxton
Blow-up of Solutions to the Generalized Inviscid Proudman-Johnson Equation, Alejandro Sarria and Ralph Saxton
Critical Buckling Loads of the Perfect Hollomon’s Power-law Columns, Dongming Wei, Alejandro Sarria, and Mohamed Elgindi
Influence of damping on hyperbolic equations with parabolic degeneracy, Katarzyna Saxton and Ralph Saxton
On the Global Solvability of a Class of Fourth-Order Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems, M.B.M. Elgindi and Dongming Wei
Some Generalized Trigonometric Sine Functions and Their Applications, Dongming Wei, Yu Liu, and Mohamed B. Elgindi
Travelling Wave Solutions of Burgers' Equation for Gee-Lyon Fluid Flows, Dongming Wei and Ken Holladay
Submissions from 2011
Traveling Wave Solutions of Burgers’ Equation for Power-Law Non- Newtonian Flows, Dongming Wei and Harry Borden
Submissions from 2008
Global Existence of Some Infinite Energy Solutions for a Perfect Incompressible Fluid, Ralph A. Saxton and Feride Tiğlay
Submissions from 2007
The Center of Some Braid Groups and the Farrell Cohomology of Certain Pure Mapping Class Groups, Craig A. Jensen, Yu Qing Chen, and Henry H. Glover
The Euler Characteristic of the Whitehead Automorphism Group of a Free Product, Craig A. Jensen, Jon McCammond, and John Meier
Submissions from 2006
Phase transitions and change of type in low-temperature heat, Ralph A. Saxton and Katarzyna Saxton
The Integral Cohomology of the Group of Loops, Craig Jensen, Jon McCammond, and John Meier
Submissions from 2005
Proper Actions of Automorphism Groups of Free Products of Finite Groups, Craig A. Jensen, Yuqing Chen, and Henry H. Glover
The Cohomology of Right Angled Artin Groups with Group Ring Coefficients, Craig A. Jensen
Submissions from 2004
Automorphisms of Free Groups with Boundaries, Craig A. Jensen and Nathalie Wahl
Homology of Holomorphs of Free Groups, Craig A. Jensen
Submissions from 2003
Finite Element Solutions of Heat Transfer in Molten Polymer Flow in Tubes with Viscous Dissipation, Dongming Wei and Haibiao Luo
Submissions from 2001
A Penalty Method for Approximations of the Stationary Power-Law Stokes Problem, Lew Lefton and Dongming Wei
Decay Estimates of Heat Transfer to Melton Polymer Flow in Pipes with Viscous Dissipation, Dongming Wei and Zhenbu Zhang
Submissions from 1999
A Priori Lρ Error Estimates for Galerkin Approximations to Porous Medium and Fast Diffusion Equations, Dongming Wei and Lew Lefton
Submissions from 1992
Existence, Uniqueness, and Numerical Analysis of Solutions of a Quasilinear Parabolic Problem, Dongming Wei