
Submissions from 1997


Intrinsic chaos in a dc field biased quantum heterostructure, A. Jason McNary and Ashok Puri


Optical studies of Ge islanding on Si(111), P. D. Persans, P. W. Deelman, K. L. Stokes, L. J. Schowalter, A. Byrne, and T. Thundat


H2S adsorption on chromium, chromia, and gold/chromia surfaces: Photoemission studies, J A. Rodriguez, S Chaturvedi, U Diebold, M Kuhn, J van Ek, P S. Robbert, H Geisler, and C A. Ventrice Jr

Submissions from 1996


Tribological properties of fullerenes C60 and C70 microparticles, Wei Zao, Jinke Tang, Ashok Puri, Ray L. Sweany, Yuxin Li, and Liquan Chen

Submissions from 1995


Prediction of signal‐to‐noise ratio gain for passive higher‐order correlation detection of energy transients, Lisa A. Pflug, George E. Ioup, Juliette W. Ioup, and Robert L. Field


Diffuse band profiles in the Rho Ophiuchi cloud, C Gregory Seab and Theodore P. Snow


The weakness of diffuse bands in nebular environments. Possible impact on thePAH+ hypothesis, T P. Snow, E L. Bakes, R H. Buss Jr., and C G. Seab

Submissions from 1994


Interstellar gas and dust in the young cluster IC 348, Theodore P. Snow, Margaret Murray Hanson, C Gregory Seab, and Jon M. Saken


The physics of grain-grain collisions and gas-grain sputtering in interstellar shocks, A G. Tielens, C F. McKee, C G. Seab, and D J. Hollenbach

Submissions from 1993


On the system of diffuse interstellar bands at 5844 and 5850 Å, J Krelowski, Theodore P. Snow, J Papaj, C G. Seab, and B Wszolek

Submissions from 1992


Spatial correlation between CH, CN and the diffuse interstellar band carriers, J Krelowski, T P. Snow, C G. Seab, and J Papaj

Submissions from 1991


Diffuse band profiles in the spectrum of HD 29647: Evidence for a molecular origin?, Theodore P. Snow and C G. Seab

Submissions from 1990


Mirrorless optical bistability in a nonlinear absorbing dielectric film, Kevin L. Stokes and Ashok Puri

Submissions from 1989


Predicting peculiar interstellar extinction from gaseous abundances, Charles L. Joseph, Theodore P. Snow, and C Gregory Seab


On the size distribution of newly formed grains in red supergiant atmospheres, C Gregory Seab and Theodore P. Snow


A search for interstellar and circumstellar C60, T P. Sno and C G. Seab

Submissions from 1988


A new search for interstellar C3, Charles L. Joseph, Theodore P. Snow, and C Gregory Seab